
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ok...THE news...

I have been so avoiding this, hoping that if I ignored it it would all just "go away" and I wouldn't have to deal with it ... but *sigh + deep breath* we are moving, AGAIN...after only 10 months in our new location!
Why you may ask? Well DH has been offered a fabulous new job, in VICTORIA of all places!! For those of you unfamiliar with Australian geography that means moving from one end of the country to another. We have only just started to settle in here so I feel a little peeved that we are moving so soon :(
Still am trying to console myself by thinking about all the wonderful fabric and sewing notion related stores that will be at my fingertips by living in Melbourne (where we will be based).
If anyone who lives in the NT is reading this I have a rather large stack of Australian Stitches magazines (at least a year or so) that I am happy to giveaway as long as you can come and pick them up! If anyone else is interested in particular edition please let me know and I can possibly send it to you somehow if no-one else is interested locally :)
Cheers guys


Vicki said...

Well , lucky you! Melbourne is the best...seriously :))

Barbara at Cat Fur Studio said...

Best wishes on your move. Another great thing about moving frequently is that you haven't had a chance to collect much junk! (Says I, who has lived in the same home for over 12 years...)