I've been playing around with pockets recently, as part of a project I'm currently working on. Decided it would be really neat to do a double pleat (one pleat on top of another- not sure if that the correct terminology) pocket for a change and after sewing the seamlines realised that actually pressing the pleats flat and open would be a bit harder than I thought.
The solution I came up with? A metal ruler (which was luckily the right size for the big pleat) and a wooden skewer (much thinner than the small pleat but the only thing I could find) to help me get the pleats straight and centered on top of each other while pressing.
Now.... I thought I was really clever with this. Coming up with the idea of inserting something into the pleat to aid with pressing- how smart am I?
Then what do I see while wandering through Spotlight the other day (I was there ONLY to get thread but who can resist a wander)? These Clover Loop Pressing Bars- (sorry I forgot to take a pic in store so hence the link, no I'm not flogging anything or getting paid a commission on Clover products!).
Ok so I'm not the sewing gadget genius I thought I was - lucky I didn't take a patent out on the whole ruler/skewer combo- but how useful would the rod set be for pressing open fiddly pleats and casings?
I'm guessing if you had a handy metalworker in the family you could maybe press ("press" - get it haha! sorry lame punning...) them into making some similar rods up for you in a suitable metal? Not sure what would be the best metal to use, something that wouldn't rust or warp with heat for starters.
In the meantime I will be making use of my metal ruler and bamboo skewers until a really awesome sale offer comes up. Or until I get over pleats and move on to a different pocket detail ;)
Happy sewing/pressing/pleating :)
Kate :)
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