
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sewing weekend away pics

Just a few pic's from the sewing weekend away. 

I had hoped to take a whole lot more but my (much used and abused) point and shoot digital camera has moved on to the great electronics repository in the sky. It seems throwing the thing into nappy bags, handbags and gloveboxes without any sort of case/protection does in fact stuff up the lenses! Oh do what you have to do when small children come into your life!
 Hubby has promised to replace it for me as a Christmas present :) 
So while I peruse the best that JB HiFi and Camera House has to offer, here is what I am currently left to work with - Iphone photography by way of Snapseed app editing (suprisingly pretty good for a freebie).

First we have a couple of shots of the ladies at their machines:
Fleur working an a men's shirt, Kelly making a dress and Helen in the background renovating her ottoman (yeah we use staple guns in our sewing group!)
We are an industrious lot aren't we?
Elle, Kat and Zoe all working on various garments and -in Ali's case- a quilt made of many tiny hexagons.
...And Vanessa and her super cute denim dress that she brought along for show and tell. I do believe this pattern fitted her pretty well without any major adjustments- lucky thing!

As far as sewing weekend's go this was a pretty good one- lots of good food, socialising and creativity in an awesome environment.

Now to hang out for the next one....

Kate :)  

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