
Friday, January 24, 2014

Gearing up for school

The kidlets are off to school this year, a pretty big moment in any family.
 I'm really excited about them going into this new environment, their teacher seems great and we have heard great things about the school . However part of me feels a bit sad about it too at the same time. My babies aren't babies anymore *sigh*- they have entered "schoolkid" territory.
So in order to assuage my mixed feelings I've decided to try and make some of the required items for school. Being Kindy year the list was very brief, but I was able to find two items I could make: the library bag and hats.

Now working in a school library you think for the life of me I would be able to whip up a library bag pretty quickly! But for some reason my brain just froze on suitable dimension and design. 
I felt that as this was their first ever library bag then it had to be pretty special right? 
It had to be in a fabric they liked and big enough that it could fit a really big picture book in it -as Cooper likes BIG books- but not soo big that it swamped my daughter when she tried to carry books in.....

After searching the web for a suitable tutorial I found this one here by Nicole Mallalieu @ You Sew Girl. 
The instructions were really straightforward and in no time at all I had two bags made:
A fairytale princess print for Millie.
Car/cityscape print for Cooper.

I lined the bags with curtain blockout to give them a degree of waterproofing. This does make it a bit hard to scrunch the fabric up at the top when you pull the drawstings, but I'm hoping once they been used/sat on/thrown around a few time the fabric will soften up.

As of today the hats are still to be made. I've printed out the pattern: the much popular free Oliver + S reversible bucket hat pattern. Besides the "freebie pattern" factor I liked this one as it's unisex (great when you have boy/girl twins), has a decently wide brim and the reversibility means I get to play with two different fabrics for each one - yay me!  

Now all I have to do is get a spare moment to stick those pattern sheets together.....

Happy Sewing :)

Kate x

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