
Friday, March 7, 2014

Blue floral shark

A quick stuffie I made up for Cooper when he got sick of playing with my fabric scraps and asked me to make him a "fish":
Yeah I know it looks more shark than fish but that's OK as sharks are one of his favorite animals too at the moment (along with whales, dolphins, beetles, grasshoppers, dinosaurs....).

The fabric is a small sample square of upholstery fabric from a local curtain shop. They stock very nice and very $$$ fabrics. 
Obviously my son has an appreciation for quality textiles as he picked this one out himself ;)

"Sharkey" (the stuffie not the 1980's singer) sleeps with Cooper in his bed everynight and will no doubt be accompanying us when Coop gets his tonsils out next week.
 My poor boy, I'm hoping that having a few things from home will make his overnight stay (I'll be there too) and recovery a little bit easier...

Til next time (one nervous mum)

Kate x


Anonymous said...

Awww it's very cute. Hope Coopers surgery goes smoothly. Cxxx

Sue said...

So sweet he sleeps with his fishy! All the best for the op.

Kate S said...

Thanks Sue and "C" - I'll just be glad when its over and he is on the mend!